Integrity Week: Ethics
by staff|12 DEC 2022
A doping scandal wipes out a cycling champion’s record of triumphs. An elite baseball player is banned from his sport for betting on it. A bribery investigation forces top football officials to step down in disgrace. 

What do all these scenarios have in common? A breach of ethics.
People in ice hockey need to be just as aware of the moral principles they follow as their counterparts in other sports.

It’s essential for you to report it if you commit an ethical breach or become aware of others who have done so. Such breaches affect not only hockey’s image but also the fairness and cleanness of our sport.

The overall guiding principle is simple. The IIHF’s objective is to encourage ethical conduct in ice hockey by discouraging ethical misconduct. Ethics are directly tied to the other three IIHF Integrity Pillars: anti-doping, abuse and harassment, and competition manipulation.
If you work in the hockey world, consider the impact your ethical choices have on yourself and on others. Take a few examples.
If you are a player, do you want to be known for being a good teammate and winning championships or for drinking to excess and destroying hotel rooms?
If you are an executive, do you want to be known for building a successful, strong, and safe hockey organization or for engaging in conflict-of-interest violations, money laundering, or influence-peddling?
The answers should be obvious. Cheating, stealing, abuse, and other forms of deliberately causing harm to other persons and their property have no place in hockey.
Ethical breaches can lead to the loss of your reputation, income, endorsements, and relationships. In worst-case scenarios, they may result in a lifetime ban from the sport or even imprisonment.
Frame it a different way and ask yourself: “Who are my idols?”
From Canada’s Steve Yzerman and Sweden’s Nicklas Lidstrom to the U.S.’s Cammi Granato and Finland’s Riikka Sallinen, both men’s hockey and women’s hockey abound with great examples of players who have conducted themselves with dignity and integrity.
Who do you want to be? You have a chance to forge a similar legacy if you work hard and conduct yourself ethically – on and off the ice.
The IIHF and its Member National Associations (MNAs) are committed to keeping hockey clean from an ethical standpoint. Take a moment and ask yourself a few questions.
Are you concerned about an ethical dilemma you’re facing in hockey? Review the IIHF Ethics Code.

Are you wondering if it is appropriate to accept a gift while engaged in IIHF business? Read through the IIHF Gifting Policy.

Do you foresee a potential conflict of interest while engaged in IIHF business? Check out the IIHF Conflicts of Interest Policy.

Or are you running for an elected position within the IIHF and wondering what you can and cannot do during that run? Refer to the IIHF Election Conduct Guidelines.
The time to stand up and make a difference is now. Let’s protect the sport we love. Ethical behavior is a must-have. For more information, visit the IIHF Integrity Hub.

The IIHF’s aim is to make hockey the cleanest sport in the world. The IIHF, in partnership with our Member National Associations (MNAs), is committed to investigating ethical violations that are reported in a transparent and fair manner. Confidentiality, impartiality, respect, and integrity are our watchwords.
Remember: if you hear something, if you see something – say something.
Incidents can be reported via:
IIHF Reporting Form
Email: [email protected]
The IOC hotline:
Phone: +41445622293
Mail to IIHF headquarters: Brandschenkestrasse 50, Postfach 1817, 8027 Zurich, Switzerland
Anonymous reporting is possible.
For reports with an international dimension, the IIHF creates a case that is forwarded to the independent IIHF Ethics Board. The board weighs the preponderance of evidence and decides whether or not to refer the case to the IIHF Disciplinary Board. Appeals can only be made to CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport) directly.