The International Ice Hockey Federation has 83 member national associations. There are two categories…
The International Ice Hockey Federation has 83 member national associations. There are two categories of IIHF membership.
The first category is IIHF Full Member. These are the nations that have their own, independent, ice hockey association, separate from a winter sports federation, and they participate annually in the IIHF championship program.
The second category is IIHF Associate Member. These are nations that either do not have fully independent national associations or who have independent national associations, but participate to only a limited extent in IIHF championships.
Only full members have voting rights at the IIHF Congresses.
Below is a list of the member national associations. Click on each nation to learn more about hockey in that country, or visit the country link at the top of this page.
Aalgeria alg
- andorra and
- argentina arg
- armenia arm
- australia aus
- austria aut
- azerbaijan aze
Bbahrain bhr
- belarus blr
- belgium bel
- bosnia & herzegovina bih
- brazil bra
- bulgaria bul
Ccanada can
- chile chi
- china chn
- colombia col
- croatia cro
- czechia cze
Ddenmark den
- dpr korea prk
Eestonia est
Ffinland fin
- france fra
Ggeorgia geo
- germany ger
- great britain gbr
- greece gre
Hhong kong, china hkg
- hungary hun
Iiceland isl
- india ind
- indonesia ina
- iran iri
- ireland irl
- israel isr
- italy ita
Jjamaica jam
- japan jpn
Kkazakhstan kaz
- kenya ken
- korea kor
- kuwait kuw
- kyrgyzstan kgz
Llatvia lat
- lebanon lbn
- liechtenstein lie
- lithuania ltu
- luxembourg lux
Mmacau, china mac
- malaysia mas
- mexico mex
- mongolia mgl
- morocco mar
Nnepal nep
- netherlands ned
- new zealand nzl
- north macedonia mkd
- norway nor
Ooman oma
Pphilippines phi
- poland pol
- portugal por
- puerto rico pur
Qqatar qat
Rromania rou
- russia rus
Sserbia srb
- singapore sgp
- slovakia svk
- slovenia slo
- south africa rsa
- spain esp
- sweden swe
- switzerland sui
Tchinese taipei tpe
- thailand tha
- tunisia tun
- türkiye tur
- turkmenistan tkm
Uukraine ukr
- united arab emirates uae
- united states usa
- uzbekistan uzb