The term of the current IIHF Council, elected in 2016, will come to an end in less than three months.
photo: Andre Ringuette / HHOF-IIHF Images
With the 2021 IIHF Semi-Annual Congress set to elect a new IIHF Council for a five-year term in September, all candidate nominations have now been submitted.
Under the revised governance structure and new IIHF Statutes & Bylaws, the new Council will consist of 14 voting members including: a President, a Senior Vice-President (new), three Regional Vice-Presidents and nine other members. Of these 14 members, at least two must be male and at least two must be female.
Under the revised governance structure and new IIHF Statutes & Bylaws, the new Council will consist of 14 voting members including: a President, a Senior Vice-President (new), three Regional Vice-Presidents and nine other members. Of these 14 members, at least two must be male and at least two must be female.
Nomination Process
Each Full MNA in good standing was able nominate one candidate to each of the four Council positions: President, Senior Vice-President, Regional Vice-President, and Council Member.The MNA can put forward the same candidate for each position or a different candidate for each position.
Before the final list of nominations is confirmed and in accordance with IIHF Statute 15.2.1 and 18.2.1, respectively, all candidates must now be vetted by an external auditing company. Once the vetting process is complete, the final list of candidates that will stand for election during the 2021 IIHF Annual Congress will be confirmed. (UPDATE: all candidates have cleared the vetting process and are eligible to stand for election.)
Delegates from the IIHF member national associations will vote on 25 September 2021 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Current IIHF President René Fasel will not stand for re-election after having led the IIHF from 1994 to 2021. The five nominated presidential candidates are in alphabetical order: Henrik Bach Nielsen (Denmark), Petr Briza (Czech Republic), Sergej Gontcharov (Belarus), Franz Reindl (Germany) and Luc Tardif (France).
Nomination Requirements
In order to be eligible for nomination a Council Candidate must fulfill the following criteria:- Cannot be a paid employee of an IIHF Commercial partner or a competitor of an IIHF Commercial partner
- Must declare any equity ownership interest in an IIHF Commercial partner and/or an IIHF Commercial partner’s competitor
- Must have had their 25th or later birthday and their 73rd or earlier birthday in the appointment year
- Must not have committed a crime or other action that violates the IIHF Code of Conduct
- Must have minimum of five years ice hockey experience (business and/or operations)
Each of the candidates have been nominated by their respective IIHF member national association that holds voting rights at the 2021 IIHF Semi-Annual Congress. The various IIHF Council positions will be up for election in the order below. While it is possible to be nominated for more than one position, a person can only be elected to one of these positions.
Congress will also elect two Auditors, the Disciplinary Board, Appeal Board and Ethics Board.
Candidates IIHF Council & Auditors
- President
- Henrik Bach Nielsen (DEN)
- Petr Briza (CZE)
- Sergej Gontcharov (BLR)
- Franz Reindl (GER)
- Luc Tardif (FRA)
- Senior Vice-President
- Henrik Bach Nielsen (DEN)
- Petr Briza (CZE)
- Sergej Gontcharov (BLR)
- Bob Nicholson (CAN)
- Franz Reindl (GER)
- Regional Vice-President Americas
- Bob Nicholson (CAN)
- Dave Ogrean (USA)
- Regional Vice-President Asia & Oceania
- Gleb Karatayev (KAZ)
- Aivaz Omorkanov (KGZ)
- Thomas Wu (HKG)
- Regional Vice-President Europe & Africa
- Henrik Bach Nielsen (DEN)
- Petr Briza (CZE)
- Sergej Gontcharov (BLR)
- Franz Reindl (GER)
- Luc Tardif (FRA)
- Council members (female)
- Zsuzsanna Kolbenheyer (HUN)
- Marta Zawadzka (POL)
- Council members (male)
- Henrik Bach Nielsen (DEN)
- Petr Briza (CZE)
- Pavel Bure (RUS)
- Joaquin De La Garma (MEX)
- Andrea Gios (ITA)
- Sergej Gontcharov (BLR)
- Frank Gonzalez (ESP)
- Heikki Hietanen (FIN)
- Gleb Karatayev (KAZ)
- Viesturs Koziols (LAT)
- Anders Larsson (SWE)
- Jaan Molder (EST)
- Petras Nauseda (LTU)
- Dave Ogrean (USA)
- Raeto Raffainer (SUI)
- Franz Reindl (GER)
- Miroslav Satan (SVK)
- Luc Tardif (FRA)
- Auditors
- Andrea Gios (ITA)
- Fabio Oetterli (SUI)
- Hub van Grinsven (BEL)