Team stats
Scoring efficiency Power play Penalty killing Goals Allowed Penalties Attendance
Goals Allowed
gp ga svs sog svs% gaa shga ppga so eng
6 5 89 94 94.68 0.83 0 3 3 1
6 5 72 77 93.51 0.83 0 1 3 0
6 14 181 195 92.82 2.34 0 4 1 0
6 13 148 161 91.93 2.16 0 6 0 1
4 14 138 152 90.79 3.49 0 6 0 0
4 15 122 137 89.05 3.71 2 3 0 0
5 27 194 221 87.78 5.41 1 7 0 0
5 37 186 223 83.41 7.39 0 8 0 2
gp Number of games played
ga Goals against
svs Saves
sog Shots on goal
svs% Saves as percentage of total SOG
gaa Goals against as average per 60 minutes
shga Shorthanded goals against
ppga Power play goals against
so Shutouts
eng ENG Empty net goals