Team stats
Scoring efficiency Power play Penalty killing Goals Allowed Penalties Attendance
Power play
gp adv ppgf pp% tpp m:s
4 20 7 35.00 34:05 04:52
4 19 6 31.58 27:51 04:38
4 18 5 27.78 31:40 06:20
4 13 3 23.08 21:23 07:07
4 13 3 23.08 21:45 07:15
4 16 3 18.75 24:50 08:16
4 16 3 18.75 28:56 09:38
4 15 2 13.33 24:41 12:20
4 16 2 12.50 26:41 13:20
4 10 1 10.00 17:49 17:49
gp Number of games played
adv Advantage (times on power play)
ppgf Power play goals for
pp% Power play efficiency as percentage
tpp Time of power play
m:s Average time in min. and sec.