Engberg suspended
by Adam Steiss|27 DEC 2018
Teemu Engberg will be suspended for one game.
photo: Minas Panagiotakis / HHOF-IIHF Images
The IIHF World Junior Championship Disciplinary Panel has issued a one-game suspension to Finland forward Teemu Engberg. 

The suspension stems from a violation of IIHF Official Playing Rule #124 (Checking to the Head and Neck Area), which occurred during Finland’s opening game against Sweden at the 2019 IIHF World Junior Championship. 

The incident in question occurred at 30:36 in the 2nd period. Swedish forward Lucas Elvenes skated toward the right corner of Sweden’s defensive zone chasing the puck. As Elvenes gained possession of the puck, he changed his direction to face the blue line. 

At the same time, Engberg skates toward Elvenes at full speed, but seeing Elvenes change direction, he redirected his skates and attempted to slow down. When Elvenes chipped the puck away to the blue line, Engberg prepared to deliver a check. 

When delivering the check, Engberg jumped and hit his left shoulder in the head and neck area of Elvenes. As a result of the hit, Elvenes’ head hit the glass and he fell to the ice where he remained for several seconds before slowly getting to his feet.    

Because Engberg drove his left shoulder into Elvenes’ head – which forced Elvenes’ head to hit the protective glass – and also because Engberg jumped with his skates leaving the ice to deliver the blow to the head and neck area of Elvenes, the Panel ascertained that Engberg’s actions were extremely dangerous, creating a serious risk of injury to Elvenes and violated IIHF Official Rule 124 (Checking to the Head and Neck Area). A correct check without elevation could easily been executed.

The Disciplinary Panel determined that because Engberg violated Official Playing Rule 124 when checking Elvenes, he shall be sanctioned with a one-game suspension, specifically Game #8 of the preliminary round Finland versus Kazakhstan. 

Engberg will be eligible to return in Finland’s third preliminary round game against Slovakia.